About the Company

Apnea42 – Meaning of Life in One Breath? Apnea42 Freediving adopts a holistic approach to freediving through philosophy of self, honing of skills and techniques, exploration of space, and curiosity for the human potential. We provide a safe and friendly environment for those who would like to develop their fluidity and relaxation in water as well as explore the mental aspect of freediving. To achieve this, you will learn to find the balance between your strengths and weaknesses, integrating play and learning whether in the classroom, swimming pool or open water session. Join us & begin your freediving journey!

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Courses: Discovery Freediving, Freedive Level 1, Apnea Academy 2, Apnea Academy 3, SSI FD Instructor, EQ Clinic, Kids As Dolphins, Mermaid Courses
Our freediving community has regular pool sessions that allows Freedivers to train together and improve in a safe environment.
Our session varies from group training, safety revisions, technique work, peer learning & fun team apnea activities.
Also offers individual or personal coaching sessions.
Freediving Gears & Equipment available for purchase.

Price starts from S$550