About the Company
We don’t chase numbers, we chase virtuosity.
Here at Fire City, it’s not just about how heavy you squat or how big your snatch is, but we also value the beauty of a perfectly balanced pistol squat or an effortless kipping pull up. Skill work will often take precedence over strength training because we believe in doing common things uncommonly well, while staying injury-free. Every individual that enters our doors is treated as an athlete, regardless of your athletic background. Our group of qualified coaches will make sure that your individual goals, needs and challenges are known so they can create a path for success for you. It’s not about what you can do; it’s about what you’re willing to do!
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Also hosts interesting events on wellness, such as seminars, themed classes, etc
Programmes: Work Out Of The Day (metabolic conditioning, weight lifting and gymnastics), Gymnastics (bodyweight and perfecting movement), Strength (3 common lifts and supplementary exercises), and many more