About the Company

Little Shepherds’ Schoolhouse is associated with the Catholic Church which has been extensively involved in the provision of education in Singapore. Since the 19th century, the Catholic education system has grown to be the second biggest sector after government schools in Singapore.
The Catholic Preschool Education (Singapore) Ltd (CPES) was formed in 2019 in an effort to consolidate all parish preschools under one organisation. The consolidation provides central administration, support and resources for all the Little Shepherd Schoolhouses across the island. Like a shepherd who cares for, protects, guides and leads the young, we create a supportive and caring environment that allows your child to grow in virtues, construct knowledge and develop relevant skills to connect with the world.

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Education Through Virtues
Learning Through The Environment
The LSS programme provides children with opportunities to interact with various communities such as eldercare homes, children’s homes, museums, the national parks and others.
The LSS Curriculum provides dynamic learning experiences to empower children as active learners through six learning areas: Language and Literacy, Logical Mathematics, Aesthetics and Creative Expression, Discovery and Nature, Motor Sensory Integration and Social and Emotional Development.

Price starts from S$390-1284

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