Malford Ceramics Pte. Ltd. makes a point to always be updated with products of the latest designs and technological features in the market. Our constant inclusion of new and interesting collections into our catalogue also mean that we may meet your every need especially in terms of design, pricing, and technology. With more than 20 years in this industry, Malford Ceramics Pte. Ltd. is also equipped with the skills and expertise to assist you with all your tiling need. This includes the provision of computer aid drawings to assist your tile layout, and technical advice on installation methods. Malford Ceramics Pte. Ltd. is also proud to be an effective and affordable tiling solution to architects, interior designers, contractors, and home owners. It is our duty to always ensure that you select the most suitable products to achieve the most beautiful design within your financial comfort.
About the Company
Anti-Slip Base
Equipped with the German made Valinge 2G installation system which allows click & lock installation
Made using roller press technology whereby the different layers of the material are compressed together to create a realistic wood looking product that is more resistant and easier to maintain than natural timber
Vinyl flooring materials: PU Coating, Wear Layer, Printed Graphic, Anti-Slip Base, Balance Layer, Glass Fibre Layer
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