Raffles Women’s Centre – Obstetrics & Gynaecology

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About the Company

Raffles Women’s Centre is an integrated obstetrics and gynaecological specialist centre that has one of the largest teams of Consultant Obstetricians & Gynaecologists in the private healthcare sector. Our centre offers state-of-the-art facilities and our counsellors, nurses, and midwives provide sensitive and expert maternity and non-maternity medical and surgical care for women of all ages. Our services range from primary care services such as screening and diagnosis of various gynaecological conditions, to tertiary care for advanced medical conditions. From admission to discharge, you can expect streamlined care from our team of experienced medical professionals.

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Covers topics on labour and delivery, maternal nutrition, exercise, as well as provide practical advice on how to care for baby
Conducted by Registered Nurse Midwives, Senior Lactation Consultant, Parentcraft educators, Physiotherapists, and Dietitians from Raffles Hospital
Offers hands-on experience in preparation of caring for the baby

Price starts from S$328

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