About the Company

STRIP: Ministry of Waxing was born in Singapore at a time when the local wax culture was, shall we say, medieval. We’re talking dodgy waxing studios dishing out unhygienic and painful waxes that left you unable to walk in a straight line. But our founder Cynthia Chua, the original smooth operator, believed that there was a place for body culture that’s practised safely, hygienically and painlessly. So, she set about seeding the beginnings of a wax revolution. Selflessly, she trialed and tested new techniques and experimented with new waxes. Eventually, she created a brand new set of Brazilian waxing techniques that was significantly less painful and embarrassing. She made waxing elegant.

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Special promotions available
Utilises Strip’s latest Advanced Fluorescence Technology
Our AFT machines use a narrower wavelength to target hair follicles more precisely
Developed over a decade with the world’s leading manufacturer of light-based treatments, Strip AFT can eliminate 80% of all unwanted hair in just 6 sessions
Our 5cm applicator is almost twice the size of the traditional 3cm one, allowing us to cover more area for more impressive results each session

Price starts from SGD95-1225

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