About the Company
VENUS TEARS carry a wide range of “Made-in-Japan” brands and GIA-certified diamonds that you can select based on your preference and budget. Whether you are looking for a unique, one-of-a-kind engagement ring or a classy and elegant wedding band, we have all the options you can choose from. With 4 bridal stores throughout Singapore, located at Orchard’s Wisma Atria, Jurong East’s JEM, Bugis Junction and Tampines 1. VENUS TEARS is incredibly honoured to bring smiles and satisfaction to our thousands of customers who have purchased their engagement ring or wedding ring with us.
GoCompare view on VENUS TEARS
Sells unique engagement rings from various popular brands, including Disney and Pokemon
Venus Tears has a wide range of GIA certified diamonds
Reliable life time after services and guaranteed customer's satisfaction
Limited special sales available
Price starts from S$189-9997
1,053 reviews